Blog posts tagged with 'coronavirus'

COVID-19 Update (24 Mars 2020)

To Our Customers, 

This is to inform you that PR Distribution is Maintaining Its Operations in these difficult times. Being an important distributor in the transport industry as well as in social services, we must continue to support our clients' needs. Based on our understanding of the government's new measures, we are on the list of priority services and activities. Those same clients are essential to our survival as their services will continue to face even higher demands in the future.

The safety of our customers and our team members is our top priority. Our internal employees and Account Managers on the road are committed to maintaining a safe environment for our customers and are following best practices from public health authorities including enhanced sanitization and health and safety protocols. 

  • In our facility, those measures include the following: 

  • Regularly disinfecting our workstations; 

  • Frequently washing our hands; 

  • Maintaining a one-meter distance between employees; 

  • Staggered lunch and break times; 

  • Working from home; 

On the road, every Account Manager that visits our clients are equipped with masks, gloves and hand sanitizer. Our sales force has received strict procedures to follow when visiting a client: 

  • Our sales representatives are washing their hands upon arrival to a client’s location and before they leave; 

  • They are not having any type of physical contact with others; 

  • They are keeping a one-meter distance with others; 

  • They are disinfecting all their work tools, each day. (phone, computer, tablet, car); 

  • They are staying away from break rooms and lunch rooms; 

  • They will also respect the special demands our clients may have concerning protective measures; 

We have also implemented procedures to enable order taking by our clients in the event our sales force would not be allowed on our clients’ location.  Although more and more of our clients are restricting vendors and supplier visits, we are still trying to provide the same level of service PR Distribution is known for. For now, here  are your order taking alternatives:

  1. Prior to a visit, our sales force will provide a ‘’health declaration form’’ for your files; 

  1. Our sales force will contact you by phone and/or by email to schedule a ‘’virtual visit’’ with him at your most convenient time and/or suggest more options; 

  1. Online orders and quotes can be found on our website: 

  1. We can also prepare a report of your most frequently used items to help you decide what to order. You can then send that reviewed list back to your account manager or to our head office with any other products you might need; 

The whole PR Distribution team is extremely proud to support our guardian angels. Doctors, nurses, hospital workers, health workers, trucking companies, truck drivers, delivery companies, grocers, pharmacists and everyone who is doing their best. 

We thank you for your continued support and partnership.