Arctic ECO Green® Icemelter, Turning your winter ECO green


Arctic ECO Green® Icemelter is a powerful all natural deicer that is gentle on the environment, the surfaces it is applied to and harmless around children and pets. This icemelter was designed for the organically inclined.

  • Gentle on the Environment
  • Harmless around children and pets
  • Fast acting & powerful to -29°C ( -20°F)
  • Safer on concrete
  • Cost effective green color
  • Anti-corrosive formula

All Natural Ingredients:
Arctic ECO Green® is made from all natural wholesome ingredients. Each granule is comprised of several components with the use of a unique multi-layered coating process, making this product much more e¬ffective than common blended products.


Gentle on the Environment:
Arctic ECO Green® contains minerals that are essential to human life, making it gentle on the environment, and its eco-systems. It contains potassium, a required nutrient for plant life, making it less harmful to vegetation.

Inoffensif pour les aenfants et les animaux  

Harmless Around Children & Pets :
Arctic ECO Green® is safe to use around children and pets. Gloves are not required. The product does not contain any calcium chloride so it will not burn the paws of pets as they walk on it. WHMIS exempt in Canada. OSHA exempt in USA.

Action rapide et puissant a -29C   Fast Acting & Powerful to -29°C (-20°F):

Arctic ECO Green® is extremely powerful due to its synergistic formulation. Each granule is multi-layer coated, with all the components working together in unison to quickly and e¬ectively melt away the ice.

Securitaire sur le béton  

Safer on Concrete:
Arctic ECO Green® does not chemically a-ect quality air entrained concrete or treated wood. It helps to keep the ice melted longer than other icemelters which assists in the prevention of damage to concrete caused by the freeze-thaw cycles.

Arctic Eco Green couleur du produits  

Cost E¬ective Green Color:
Arctic ECO Green® is dyed a bright green color. This dye is environmentally friendly, and when used as directed does not stain the surface of your walkway or road surface. The dye helps the user to economically spread the icemelter in an even amount and allows the user to see where the product has been distributed. The green color helps to prevent overspreading of the product.

Formule antocorrosive  

Anti-corrosive Formula:
Arctic ECO Green® contains a two level anti-corrosive formula, including CMA. This helps to reduce the level of corrosiveness in the product making it a better choice to use on sensitive surfaces.

 Arctic ECO Green Ice Melter

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