Made of non-woven synthetic fibers

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BROWN (Heavy Duty)
Ce disque avec un grain extra rugueux et non tissé est excellent pour l’ouvrage AGRESSIF d’ébarbage, de façonnage, de nettoyage et de polissage.


MAROON (Medium)
This medium grit, non-woven disc has all of the same characteristics as the brown, but is not as coarse. Use primarily for LIGHT deburring and polishing.


BLUE (Very Fine)
Ce disque avec un grain très fin en fait le choix par excellence pour la FINITION puisqu’il est moins agressif que le brun ou le marron.


These surface conditioning discs are made of non-woven synthetic fibers, impregnated with abrasive grains and bonded with resin. Surface conditioning discs help to produce a uniform finish with minimal heat or loading. They are recommended for blending, deburring and surface cleaning applications and will not rust.

Applications : Non-ferrous and ferrous materials, Stainless steel, Rust, Corrosion, Paint, Plastic, Composite, Wood, Aluminium. For backing holder.